Listening Korean for Beginners + Free MP3 Audio Download

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This book aims to improve one's listening ability in Korean, the most essential part of the language for new learners. It is specifically designed to give those who cannot easily converse with native Korean-speakers the chance to experience real life conversations. In addition, Listening Korean for Beginners is set up so that it can be combined with the series' other textbooks on reading, writing and speaking, functionally uniting those different areas while centering lessons around one's ability to properly communicate in Korean.

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머리말 일러두기 교재 구성 등장인물 소개 1 인사 2 소개 3 위치 4 쇼핑 5 약속 6 생활 7 날씨와 계절 8 교통 9 건강 10 공공장소

24,90 €*
New Yonsei Korean - Listening and Reading 1-1 (MP3 Audio Download)
*************Audio Download  at:  File No. 100 This newly published New Yonsei Korean Language Series is comprised of six levels with each level consisting of textbooks for Vocabulary & Grammar, Speaking & Writing, and Listening & Reading.  The Vocabulary & Grammar textbook is organized into lessons that help the learner understand and use the most essential vocabulary and grammar forms according to each proficiency level.  The Speaking & Writing textbook is organized by themes with speaking and writing activities to help the learner gain the necessary skills of expression for smooth communication.Finally, the Listening & Reading textbook is organized by listening and reading activities to foster appropriate comprehension skills according to each level.These three textbooks may be used together as a package for the uniform development of vocabulary & grammar, expression, and comprehension skills. They can also be used as individual textbooks according to the given conditions of the educational field or learner needs.Furthermore, in the case of the Vocabulary & Grammar textbook, a separate guidebook has been prepared and can serve as a useful tool for the Korean language teachers in Korea or abroad who may not have much teaching experience.The New Yonsei Korean Language Series will prove to be a tremendous help to many teachers who work hard for the education of the Korean language within Korea and around the world as well as be a helpful resource for all Korean language learners. 목차머리말일러두기단원구성등장인물한글1-11과 인사와 소개2과 물건3과 학교4과 친구5과 고향6과 학교생활7과 음식8과 하루 생활9과 주말10과 지난 일부록 모범 답안(교재)색인별책 언어별 번역

23,90 €* 25,90 €* (7.72% gespart)