Produktinformationen "2024 Test of Proficiency in Korean TOPIK 2 All In One Guide"
한국어를 배우는 외국인 수험생들이 효과적으로 한국어 공부를 하고 TOPIK에 대비할 수 있도록 만들어졌다. 기출문제를 꼼꼼히 분석하고 유형화한 핵심 이론부터 실전 감각을 익힐 수 있는 모의고사와 독학이 가능한 다국어 해설. 휴대할 수 있는 소책자 어휘집과 다운로드 없이 바로 들을 수 있는 QR코드 듣기 파일까지. 긴 시간 동안 한국어교재를 연구하고 개발해 온 한국어능력시험연구회가 한국어교육 전문가 임준 선생님과 함께 시험에 필요한 모든 것을 단 한 권으로 압축하였다.
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About This BookThis study guide is designed to help students effectively prepare for the newly revised TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) II exam. In addition to providing useful study strategies for approaching the listening, writing and reading sections according to question type, the guide also includes three practice exams together with complete English explanations, thereby providing students with a quick path to passing the new TOPIK II exam. ▪ Systematic and complete analysis of the newly revised TOPIK exam!The authors thoroughly analyzed the National Institute for International Education’s official report on the recent TOPIK revisions along with numerous example test items so that students using this guide can become accustomed to the new TOPIK format. ▪ Strategies to differentiate the various listening, writing and reading questions of the TOPIK II exam!By introducing different study approaches based on the types of questions used on the new TOPIK II exam, students can more effectively prepare for successfully passing the exam as soon as possible.▪ Three practice exams with detailed explanations included!After working through each of the included mock exams as if they were real exams, students can use the included detailed explanations to self-check their answers and strengthen their own ability to judge correct and incorrect answer choices on the exam. ▪ English translations for all exam items as well as all listening and reading texts! In addition to detailed explanations for all exam items, we have also provided English translations for all listening, writing and reading texts so that beginning students of Korean can easily understand how each is being used in its particular Korean language context.
중·고급학습자를위한개편 TOPIK (한국어능력시험) 대비서!
Test Guide to the New TOPIK
* 중·고급학습자를위한 TOPIK (한국어능력시험) Ⅱ완전정복서!
* TOPIK Ⅱ의듣기/쓰기/읽기문제에대한차별화된전략제시!
* 총 3회의실전모의고사와풍부한해설제공!
* 모든문제의해설과듣기/쓰기/읽기지문을영어번역과함께제시!
▪ 새롭게개편된 TOPIK에대한체계적이고완벽한분석!
▪ 토픽Ⅱ의듣기/쓰기/읽기문제를해결할수있는차별화된전략제시!
▪ 총 3회분의실전모의고사와풍부한해설제공!
3회분의모의고사를실전시험처럼풀어본뒤, 풍부한해설을통해정답과오답을판단할수있는
▪ 모든문제와듣기, 쓰기, 읽기지문에대한영어번역제공!
중·고급학습자들이한국어의맥락을쉽게이해할수있도록모든문제의해설뿐만아니라, 듣기와
쓰기, 읽기지문또한영어번역과함께제공하였다.
서문 Preface 04
이책의구성및활용 How to Use This Book 06
차례 Contents 08
한국어능력시험개편안내 Newly Revised TOPIK Guidelines 10
한국어능력시험안내 TOPIK Guidelines 12
신경향 Q&A New Trend Q&A 16
신경향문항분석 Analysis of New Trend Questions 26
듣기 Listening 28
쓰기 Writing 36
읽기 Reading 42
실전모의고사 1회 Actual Practice Test 1 56
듣기 Listening 58
쓰기 Writing 72
읽기 Reading 74
실전모의고사 2회 Actual Practice Test 2 98
듣기 Listening 100
쓰기 Writing 114
읽기 Reading 116
실전모의고사 3회 Actual Practice Test 3 142
듣기 Listening 144
쓰기 Writing 158
읽기 Reading 160
정답및해설 Answers & Explanations 184
1회정답및해설 Answers & Explanations for Actual Practice Test 1 186
2회정답및해설 Answers & Explanations for Actual Practice Test 2 212
3회정답및해설 Answers & Explanations for Actual Practice Test 3 242
답안지 Answer Sheets 271