EASY KOREAN with BTS - for Basic Learners + BTS Photocard 2 book-set Student Book & Workbook

Produktinformationen "EASY KOREAN with BTS - for Basic Learners + BTS Photocard"

Einfach Koreanisch Lernen mit BTS für Anfänger

October Special

This book-set features:

  • Studentbook + Workwook
  • Korean expressions from the latest episodes
  • Free lecture videos and activities available through QR codes in the book
  • Only from us: Special Gift: BTS Postcard

Watch the official trailer!

"EASY KOREAN with BTS - for Basic Learners" is a basic-level Korean textbook featuring BTS that covers everything in ONE book!

  • Beginners can learn essential Korean expressions used in everyday life with just this one book-set.
  • Follow Kate, the main character in the book, through her vlog. She is an ARMY and came to Korea to learn Korean.
  • Scan the QR code linked to the CAKE app for free access to more vocabulary, expression practice and lectures.
  • Many different BTS anecdotes let you learn more about there lives.

"EASY KOREAN with BTS - for Basic Learners" is a Korean language textbook that enables beginners unfamiliar with Korean to master essential expressions used in everyday life. The book includes practical vocabulary and expressions, BTS-related learning activities, and stories in each chapter. By scanning the QR code, users can access free lectures on Korean expressions related to the "Run BTS" content on the Cake app and review their learning with quizzes. A workbook is also provided for additional practice. This book aims to make learning Korean easy and enjoyable for BTS fans and anyone who loves K-pop.

Ep 1. 한국어로 자기소개하기  Introduce Yourself in Korean
Ep 2. 내 방 투어  My Room Tour
Ep 3. 내 가방 속에는? #왓츠인마이백  Take a Look! What’s in My Bag?
Ep 4. 한국에서의 하루 일과  A Day in My Life in Korea
Ep 5. 한국 음식 먹방  Korean Food Mukbang
Ep 6. 같이 공부해요! #스터디윗미  Let’s Study Together! Study with Me
Ep 7. 한국 카페 투어  Korean Café Tour
Ep 8. 주말 나들이 (Feat. 서울)  Weekend Outing (Feat. Seoul)
Ep 9. 한국에서 즐기는 취미 생활  Hobbies to Enjoy in Korea
Ep 10. 한국 옷 가게에서 쇼핑하기  Shopping at a Korean Clothing Store
Ep 11. 한국 여행 (Feat. 방탄 투어)  Traveling Around Korea (Feat. BTS Tour)
Ep 12. 한국 생활 꿀팁 모음!  “꿀” Tips for Living in Korea!

Ähnliche Titel, Originalfassungen oder Übersetzungen

Talk! With BTS - for Intermediate Learners | plus 3 Special Gifts
This is the Intermediate Level of the Learn! Korean series SPRING SALE & Only from us: 3 Special Gifts:  BTS Study Notebook + Motipen Stickers + BTS Postcard   A story about Bora and her exchange year at a Korean university. This textbook includes voice recordings of BTS members. With the voices of BTS, learning Korean is even more fun. Learners can learn Korean expressions, grammar and vocabulary that sound natural and which Koreans use in their real, everyday lives. This book set includes: 2 Korean Textbooks - 180*240 mm BORA MARBLE board game - 464*344 mm Pocket Book - 112*148 mm DIY Student card - 54*86 mm Keyboard stickers - 65*200 mm Motipen is not included in this set, but you can use the purple motipen of Learn Korean with BTS with this set. Watch the trailer or the unboxing video on YouTube Talk to the voices of BTS!The BTS members not only study the same and are in the same club as me, but are even my professors? Enjoy college life with BTS while listening to their voices.Integrate Korean into your everyday lifeLearn 36 intermediate level expressions commonly used by the Koreans in their everyday talks. In the textbook's dialogues you will find many expressions used by BTS members. When you practice these dialogues, you will be able to speak Korean like a native speaker in no timePractice using videos!Scan the QR code in the textbook and watch Bora's year abroad in South Korea and videos from the I perspective to practice! Use the videos to practice speaking with BTS, and don't forget to look for the hidden epilogs! CONTENTS Book 1    Chapter 1. March Start of the Semester    Chapter 2. April Club Activities    Chapter 3. May Team Project    Chapter 4. June Final Exam    Chapter 5. July Summer Break (1)    Chapter 6. August Summer Break (2) Book 2    Chapter 7. Septemer Assistant    Chapter 8. October Festivals    Chapter 9. November Amusement Park    Chapter 10. December Career Counseling    Chapter 11. January Welcoming the New Year    Chapter 12. February Returning Home  

79,00 €* 110,00 €* (28.18% gespart)
BTS Recipe Book Vol. 1: Book of Tasty Stories + BTS Photocard
BTS Recipe Book 1 **** NOW Available **** Special Gift:  BTS Photo Frame + only from us: BTS Postcard Watch the trailer Introduction of the ChapterIntroduces the recipe theme for each chapter with BTS’ song lyricsIntroduction of Three DishesLists the key features and preparation difficulty of the recipes in each chapterBTS’ StoriesOffers detailed descriptions and explanations of what BTS said and did when they were cooking and eating each of the dishesIngredients● Provides a list of the ingredients and alternative ingredients for each recipe● Exact quantities are given in two different measurementsPreparationLists the preparation steps in of each recipe in chronological orderBTS' Choice● Provides a glimpse into the different personal tastes of BTS● You can check out how they answered in the book.Special Gift: BTS Mini Photo FrameShare your kitchen with BTS! Showcase your own cooking with the frame.   Contents 서문 (Introduction)BTS’ Kitchen- 기본 조리 도구 (Kitchenware)- 기본 재료 (Basic Ingredients)- 양념 재료 및 계량법 (Spices, Seasonings, and Oil Measurements)기본 조리법 (Basic Preparations)주제 1. 간단하게 기분 낼 때 (For a Simple Pick-Me-Up)- 김치볶음밥 (Kimchi-bokkeumbap)- 잔치국수 (Janchi-guksu)- 부대찌개 (Budae-jjigae)주제 2. 비가 올 때 (When It Rains)- 파전 (Pajeon)- 수제비 (Sujebi)- 닭볶음탕 (Dak-bokkeumtang)주제 3. 간식이 당길 때 (When Feeling Peckish)- 누룽지 과자 (Nurungji-gwaja)- 붕어빵 (Bungeobbang)- 호떡 (Hotteok)주제 4. 야식이 생각날 때 (Scrumptious Late-Night Snacks)- 치킨 (Chicken)- 떡볶이 (Tteokbokki)- 라면 (Ramyeon)주제 5. 힘을 내고 싶을 때 (When You Need a Boost)- 수육 (Suyuk)- 삼계탕 (Samgyetang)- 갈비찜 (Galbijjim)BTS’ ChoiceARMY’s Choice

46,90 €* 52,90 €* (11.34% gespart)
Beyond The Story - 10 Jahre BTS
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45,00 €*
Baek Sehee: Ich will sterben, aber Tteokbokki essen will ich auch
Übersetzt von: Lara Emily LekutatEin Buch, das man in Zeiten der Dunkelheit zur Hand nehmen sollteBaek Sehee ist eine erfolgreiche junge Angestellte in der Social-Media-Abteilung eines großen Verlagshauses. Doch trotz ihrer Erfolge fühlt sie sich ständig niedergedrückt, ängstlich, zweifelt an sich selbst und urteilt über andere. Bei der Arbeit und im Freundeskreis kann sie ihre Gefühle gut verbergen; sie ist geübt darin, die Gelassenheit und Leichtigkeit auszustrahlen, die das Leben ihr abverlangt. Aber diese Fassade aufrechtzuerhalten ist unfassbar anstrengend und hindert sie daran, tiefe Beziehungen einzugehen. Zugleich: Wenn doch alles so hoffnungslos erscheint, warum hat Baek dann dennoch immer wieder Lust auf ihr Lieblingsstraßenessen, den scharfen, würzigen Reiskuchen Tteokbokki? Baek fragt sich, ob mehr dahintersteckt, und sie entschließt sich, einen Psychologen aufzusuchen. Kann sie aus dem Kreislauf ihres selbstzerstörerischen Verhaltens ausbrechen? Indem sie ihre Gespräche mit ihrem Psychologen über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen aufzeichnet, beginnt Baek, die Rückkopplungsschleifen, Kurzschlussreaktionen und selbstschädigenden Verhaltensweisen zu entwirren, die sie gefangen halten. «Ich will sterben, aber Tteokbokki essen will ich auch» ist ein Buch, das man in Zeiten der Dunkelheit zur Hand nehmen sollte.

20,00 €*
BTS Recipe Book Vol. 2: Book of Tasty Stories + BTS Photocard
BTS Recipe Book 2: Book of Tasty Stories Now with 2 special gifts:  Ingredients Cards + only from us: BTS Postcard Watch the trailer Meet BTS' new cooking stories and recipes, along with useful Korean expressions! Also included are guidelines for vegan, gluten-free recipesShall we take a trip to the kitchen with BTS? Contents IntroductionBTS’ Kitchen- 기본 조리 도구 (Kitchenware)- 기본 재료 (Basic Ingredients)- 양념 재료 및 계량법 (Spices, Seasonings, and Oil Measurements)1. 간편한 집밥 (Easy Homemade Meals)- 간장계란밥 (Ganjang Gyeran Bap)- 김치찌개 (Kimchi Jjigae)2. 취향 따라 만드는 도시락 (Box Lunches Just for You)- 김밥 (Gimbap)- 토스트 (Toast)3. 후루룩 면 요리 (Slurp! Noodle Dishes)- 칼국수 (Kalguksu)- 짜장 라면 (Jjajang Ramyeon)4. 매콤한 고기 요리 (Spicy Meat Dishes)- 닭갈비 (Dakgalbi)- 제육볶음 (Jeyuk Bokkeum)5. 특별한 만찬 (Dishes for Special Feasts)- 미역국 (Miyeokguk)- 잡채 (Japchae)- 떡국 (Tteokguk)- 불고기 (Bulgogi)6. 술과 어울리는 안주 (Perfect Pairings with Drinks)- 김치전 (Kimchijeon)- 계란말이 (Gyeran Mari)7. 달달한 디저트 (Sweet Desserts)- 달고나 (Dalgona)- 화채 (Hwachae)기본 조리법 (Basic Preparations)- 밥 (Rice)- 채소 국물 (Vegetable Broth)- 멸칫국물 (Anchovy Broth)- 고깃국물 (Beef Broth)Ingredients IndexReferences  

49,90 €* 57,90 €* (13.82% gespart)