Kyong-jong Lee

Und dennoch blüht die Jindalle! Als Wissenschaftler im Spannungsfeld zwischen Korea und dem Westen

Product information "Und dennoch blüht die Jindalle!"

More than 50 years ago Kyong-Tschong Rie came from Korea to Germany: a young student with a suitcase full of hope. With optimism and determination he achieved everything he had planned: He married, had two children and a home – and on the peak of his career he was professor at university and head of his own institute.

In his autobiography Kyong-Tschong Rie tells about his childhood in Korea, a country at that time still occupied by Japan, and about the tragic incidents he had to face during the Korean War. And he mentions his ambition to be always the very best, beginning in the Japanese kindergarten and not ending at university, where he got the chance for a scholarship abroad after his degree in metallurgy. He goes to Germany and stays in Aachen until his doctorate. After a short stopover in USA he carried on with his career in Braunschweig.

Kyong-Tschong Rie becomes the worldwide leading specialist in Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) a well as Plasma-Diffusion-Treatment and Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposion (P-CVD) of surfaces, he organizes numerous conferences on these subjects in Germany and abroad (LCF-Conference, PSE/AEPSE-Conference), and he works as a consultant of all major Korean industrial concerns for many years.

With unabashed openness Kyong-Tschong Rie tells about problems and success in his career, and he tells about the strokes of fate in his private life, which more than once threaten to be unsettling. And Kyong-Tschong Rie also tells us, what it means to survive as a Korean in the “Golden West”.

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Ko Un: Sunganeui ggot (Blüten des Augenblicks, Korean.)
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