Easy & Fun Korean Recipes + Free QR link to YouTube Videos Free MP3 Download

Product information "Easy & Fun Korean Recipes + Free QR link to YouTube Videos"

Easy and Fun Korean Recipes is a textbook that teaches Korean through cooking, created when the author considered how to make Korean learning more entertaining. It specially includes YouTube videos of the author personally cooking, to which readers can refer along with the textbook in order to make it easier to try cooking the 40 Korean dishes within. Dishes and snacks frequently eaten by Korean people are organized by 6 different ingredients (kimchi, rice, eggs/tofu, meat, seafood, etc.), and while learning how to cook Korean food, readers can also learn vocabulary related to simple ingredients and expressions, and even practice conversation. In addition, not only can readers instantly connect and refer to videos of each recipe via QR code, they can even hear each cooking terms and conversation sentences recorded by professional voice actors, provided via QR code as well.

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Includes 40 easy and fun recipes for Korean dishes that anyone can follow along with
A textbook with 40 carefully selected Korean dishes organized by 6 main ingredients so that even foreigners can easily follow along and choose a dish to try cooking for themselves.
Introduction of ingredients and the cooking process are provided together in Korean and English for easier understanding.

Check the author’s cooking videos on YouTube via QR code for quick and easy understanding
Each recipe includes a QR code so readers can instantly connect and refer to the author’s cooking videos on YouTube to understand the cooking process at a glance and follow along.
Using videos that include step-by-step explanations of everything from the ingredients to the cooking process, readers can try cooking Korean dishes without difficulty.

A Korean textbook you can use to study Korean cooking alongside Korean vocabulary and expressions
Each recipe includes relevant vocabulary for ingredients and cooking expressions, with simple explanations and example sentences, and readers can even learn Korean grammar.
All vocabulary words and example sentences can be checked instantly by connecting via QR code to recordings from professional voice actors.  


김치볶음밥 Kimchi-bokkeumbap
김치전 Kimchijeon
김치찜 Kimchijjim
배추김치 Baechukimchi
2. 쌀 Rice
떡꼬치 Tteok-kkochi
떡볶이 Tteokbokki
궁중떡볶이 Gungjungtteokbokki
비빔밥 Bibimbap
김밥 Gimbap

3. 달걀 · 두부 Eggs · Tofu
달걀말이 Dalgyalmari
계란찜 Gyeranjjim
두부부침 Dububuchim
두부김치 Dubukimchi
순두부찌개 Sundubujjigae

4. 고기 Meat
불고기 Bulgogi
갈비탕 Galbitang
갈비구이 Galbigui
갈비찜 Galbijjim
장조림 Jangjorim
소고기뭇국 Sogogi-mutguk
고추장불고기 Gochujangbulgogi
동그랑땡 Donggeurangttaeng
삼계탕 Samgyetang
찜닭 Jjimdak
닭갈비 Dakgalbi

5. 해산물 Seafood
해물파전 Haemulpajeon
미역국 Miyeokguk
새우전 Saeujeon
어묵탕 Eomuktang
오징어볶음 Ojingeo-bokkeum

6. 기타 Other
된장찌개 Doenjangjjigae
부대찌개 Budaejjigae
잡채 Japchae
김말이 Gimmari
호떡 Hotteok
감자전 Gamjajeon
호박죽 Hobakjuk
핫도그 Hot dog
짜파구리 Jjapaguri

Explantions in Korean

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211, Munbal-ro, Gyeonggi-do
10883 Paju-si
Korea (Republic of)
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Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

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Kochlust auf Koreanisch - 28 leckere & einfache Rezepte aus Korea
Jetzt zum Sonderpreis erhältlich! Dieses Kochbuch zeigt, wie einfach man leckere koreanische Gerichte auf den Tisch zaubern kann. Die Autorin hat 28 beliebte koreanische Rezepte ausgewählt, die sowohl vegetarische als auch Gerichte mit Fisch, Fleisch oder Geflügel umfassen. Dabei dürfen auch die im Westen besonders beliebten Gerichte bulgogi (herzhaft-süßes Feuerfleisch) und Kimchi (fermentierter Chinakohl) nicht fehlen. Die koreanische Küche ist herzhaft, gesund, vielfältig und einfach zuzubereiten. Wer zum ersten Mal koreanische Gerichte probiert, dem eröffnet sich ein ganz neuer Geschmackskosmos, denn die koreanische Küche besitzt ganz charakteristische Aromen, die sie merkbar von anderen asiatischen Länderküchen abhebt. Dabei benötigt man für eine wirklich authentische Küche nur wenige, wenn auch unentbehrliche koreanische Zutaten. Rote Chilipaste, Sesampaste und Sojasauce gibt es heutzutage in jedem Asienladen zu kaufen gibt. Abgesehen davon zeichnet sich die koreanische Küche eher durch die Vielfalt der verwendeten Gemüsesorten aus, die es aber auch bei uns überall zu kaufen gibt. Das sind einfach beste Voraussetzungen, um sich in das Abenteuer „Lust auf Koreanisch“ zu stürzen! Über die Autorin Jia Choi ist Präsidentin von O’ngo Food Communications in Seoul. In ihrer Arbeit bedient sie sich ihrer eigenen Erfahrungen im Ausland, um Menschen aus aller Welt die koreanische Essenskultur nahe zu bringen.Der Firmenname O’ngo bedeutet: „Belebung der Tradition durch Modernisierung.“ Nach dieser Maxime sieht Choi ihre Aufgabe darin, herauszufinden, wie traditionelle koreanische Gerichte schneller, einfacher und sogar noch köstlicher zubereitet werden können.Choi ist Experte für die koreanische Küche und erhielt ihren Doktortitel in Ernährungswissenschaften an der Ewha Womans University. Sie betreibt eine Kochschule für koreanische Küche und organisiert kulinarische Reisen. InhaltFLEISCH & GEFLÜGEL01 Geschmortes Huhn in Sojasauce (jjimdak)02 Gegrilltes Hühnchen (dak gui)03 Koreanische Barbecue-Ribs (LA galbi)04 Frittiertes Hühnchen in süß-scharfer Sauce (dak gangjeong)05 Mariniertes Rindfleisch aus der Pfanne (bulgogi)06 Herzhafte Hühnchenpfanne (dak galbi)07 Scharfes Schweinefleisch aus der Pfanne (jeyuk bokkeum) GEMÜSE & SALAT08 Gekühlter Rettich-Salat (mu saengchae)09 Frühlingssalat mit Schnittknoblauch (buchu muchim)10 Frischer Chinakohl-Salat (geotjeori)11 Knackige Sojasprossen (kongnamul muchim)12 Mildwürziger Spinat (sigeumchi namul)13 Zucchini Salat (hobak namul)REISGERICHTE14 Gebratener Reis mit Kimchi (kimchi bokkeumbap)15 Bibimbap im Steintopf (dolsot bibimbap)16 Mehrkornreis im Steintopf (yeongyang dolsotbap)NUDEL- UND EIERGERICHTE17 Glasnudelsalat mit gemischten Pilzen (beoseot japchae)18 Nudeln mit scharfem Tintenfisch (ojingeo somyeon)19 Pfannkuchen mit Meeresfrüchten (haemul pajeon)20 Bunter Nudelsalat (jaengban gugksu)BOHNEN & TOFU21 Gebratener Tofu mit scharfer Sauce (dubu jorim)22 Kasserolle mit Seiden-Tofu (sundubi jjigae)23 Heißer Eintopf mit Sojabohnenpaste (doenjang jjigae)KIMCHI24 Kimchi aus Chinakohl (baechu kimchi)25 Gurken-Kimchi (oi kimchi)26 Weißer Rettich-Kimchi (kkagdugi)27 Kimchi-Pfannkuchen (kimchi jeon)28 Tofu mit gebratenem Kimchi (dubu kimchi)  

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Korean Mother's Easy Recipes
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Korean Mother's Easy Recipes - Mängelexemplar
Mängelexempar: Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst neu und einwandfrei Remainder Copy: Cover slightly rubbed, otherwise new copyLearn how to make traditional Korean dishes at home with easy-to-follow illustrations. The author, who has taught Korean cooking to students from all over the world for 20 years, has selected 40 Korean recipes that are fun and easy to make. Main dish, side dish and dessert recipes are illustrated with step-by-step instructions so even beginners can easily follow them. The book also includes special dishes for hosting parties. After practicing Korean cooking and different cuisine from all over the world and teaching Korean cooking at the Blue House Korean Food Experience Center, Cheong Wa Dae Sarangchae,  the author has written a book that anyone can follow and enjoy traditional Korean food in the easiest way. About the Author Recipes and Cooking Mother Yoon Okhee Researcher of Korean Cuisine, Master Craftsman Cook and Doctor of Science Yoon Ok-hee majored in food and nutrition and went on to lecture at the university level. She lived in Japan for 4 years where she became interested in food from different parts of the world. Returning to Korea, she learned Korean traditional cuisine from Professor Kang In-hee, a master of Joseon period cuisine, and grew her knowledge and passion for Korean cuisine after studying, a Korean traditional medical book, <Donguibogam>. In addition to more than 20 years of operating her own cooking academy and lecturing at universities, Yoon has expanded her expertise through the Korean family restaurant Sannae Deulnae, the Korea Food and Culture Institute, and the Cheong Wa Dae Sarangchae Korean Food Experience Center. She now hopes to share the true taste and value of Korean cuisine to her daughter and all those who are interested in Korean cuisine.   Illustrations Daughter Chae Jinjoo Illustrator & Doll Artist Instagram @bodlebodle   After studying Visual Design, she began working as an illustrator and doll artist. Ever since she was young, Chae has always been interested in drawing, crafts, and the colorful dishes her mother made for her. But her passion was more focused on eating the food rather than the cooking itself. Her interest in cooking grew as she became a mother who tries to regularly make healthy and delicious meals for her children. She is now ready to learn the taste and value of Korean cuisine from her mother.  

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