Ahn Yongjun

Korean for K-POP Travellers with MP3 CD

Product information "Korean for K-POP Travellers"

Want to travel to Korea but don't know where to start? Then this is the book for you!

Korean for K-POP Travellers is a magical book which makes learning Korean and Korean culture easy for visitors to Korea. It's a travel guide which teaches you to communicate with Koreans by using simple, accurate Korean expressionns. Of course, this book is appropriate for any beginner of Korean.

● A must-have Korean tour guidebook for K-pop fans and people planning a trip to Korea!
● A Korean speaking practice book for traveling with essential real life expressions and vocabulary!
● Watch video clips of a 5-day trip to Seoul and witness the Korean expressions and vocabulary being used in real situations
● Learn about various aspects of the Korean language and culture, while picking up some helpful tips for your trip!

Korean for K-Pop Travelers, which incorporates survey results from foreigners, is a book containing the most essential Korean expressions
for K-pop travelers who have decided to make their way to Korea and also provides a guide for a trip that’s best suited for their purposes and lifestyles.
This book was conceptualized based on a storytelling technique, which takes K-pop travelers through 5 days and 4 nights in Seoul while on a visit to see
a concert by their favorite K-pop artist. What sets this book apart is that you can see the whole itinerary for the trip and Korean expressions being enacted in
video form. To do this, members of K-pop group Favorite travel to the hottest tourist spots and see, taste, and feel what these places have to offer—all captured on video.
The video clips highlight the appeal of these tourist attractions and include useful Korean expressions along with English subtitles to aid in the viewers’ understanding.

Enriched with QR-Code links to online videos this is a must have for any young student of Korean.




Preface --------------------------------------- 4
How to Use This Book --------------------------- 6
Hangeul Table ------------------------------------ 12
Contents -------------------------------------------- 14

Day 1
1. 한국 도착! 여행 시작! We’re Finally in Korea! Let’s Begin Our Trip! ----- 18
2. 숙소 체크인과 주변 탐사 Checking into a Hotel and Exploring the Area ----- 30
3. 명동에서의 첫 식사 First Meal at Myeongdong ----- 42
4. 동대문에서 쇼핑 후 광장시장으로! ----- 56
Shopping at Dongdaemun then Heading to Gwangjang Market!

Day 2
5. 경복궁 수문장 교대 의식 관람 ----- 70
The Royal Guard Changing Ceremony at Gyeongbok Palace
6. 한복 입고 북촌 한옥 마을에서 인생 샷! ----- 82
Put on a Hanbok and take the best photo of yourself at Bukchon Hanok Village!
7. 인사동에서 전통차 한잔! A Cup of Traditional Tea at Insadong! ----- 96
8. N서울타워에서 본 야경 The Night View from N Seoul Tower ----- 108

Day 3
9. 시티 투어 시작! Let’s Begin the Tour of the City! ----- 118
10. 서울 안의 작은 지구촌, 이태원 Itaewon, a Taste of the World in Seoul ----- 130
11. 젊음의 거리 홍대 Hongdae, a Trendy Hangout for Young Adults ----- 142

Day 4
12. 인터넷 티켓 예매와 수령 Reserving Tickets Online and Picking Them Up ----- 154
13. 공연을 기다리면서··· Waiting for the Performance... ----- 164
14. 기다리고 기다리던 공연 관람 The Long-Awaited Performance ----- 174

Day 5
15. 서울에서의 마지막 날 Last Day in Seoul ----- 184

서울 관광 지도 A Tour Map of Seoul ----- 198
지하철 노선도 Subway Map ----- 200
유용한 앱 & 사이트 Useful Applications & Websites ----- 202
표현 색인 Expression Index ----- 204
어휘 색인 Vocabulary Index ----- 214

Contact the Publisher
Darakwon Inc.
211, Munbal-ro, Gyeonggi-do
10883 Paju-si
Korea (Republic of)
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Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

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Learning Korean through Folk Tales (with CD)
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Gebrauchsanweisung für Südkorea
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BTS Recipe Book 1 + Special Gift BTS Group Photocard
BTS Recipe Book 1 **** NOW Available **** Special Gift:  BTS Photo Frame + only from us: BTS Postcard Watch the trailer Introduction of the ChapterIntroduces the recipe theme for each chapter with BTS’ song lyricsIntroduction of Three DishesLists the key features and preparation difficulty of the recipes in each chapterBTS’ StoriesOffers detailed descriptions and explanations of what BTS said and did when they were cooking and eating each of the dishesIngredients● Provides a list of the ingredients and alternative ingredients for each recipe● Exact quantities are given in two different measurementsPreparationLists the preparation steps in of each recipe in chronological orderBTS' Choice● Provides a glimpse into the different personal tastes of BTS● You can check out how they answered in the book.Special Gift: BTS Mini Photo FrameShare your kitchen with BTS! Showcase your own cooking with the frame.   Contents 서문 (Introduction)BTS’ Kitchen- 기본 조리 도구 (Kitchenware)- 기본 재료 (Basic Ingredients)- 양념 재료 및 계량법 (Spices, Seasonings, and Oil Measurements)기본 조리법 (Basic Preparations)주제 1. 간단하게 기분 낼 때 (For a Simple Pick-Me-Up)- 김치볶음밥 (Kimchi-bokkeumbap)- 잔치국수 (Janchi-guksu)- 부대찌개 (Budae-jjigae)주제 2. 비가 올 때 (When It Rains)- 파전 (Pajeon)- 수제비 (Sujebi)- 닭볶음탕 (Dak-bokkeumtang)주제 3. 간식이 당길 때 (When Feeling Peckish)- 누룽지 과자 (Nurungji-gwaja)- 붕어빵 (Bungeobbang)- 호떡 (Hotteok)주제 4. 야식이 생각날 때 (Scrumptious Late-Night Snacks)- 치킨 (Chicken)- 떡볶이 (Tteokbokki)- 라면 (Ramyeon)주제 5. 힘을 내고 싶을 때 (When You Need a Boost)- 수육 (Suyuk)- 삼계탕 (Samgyetang)- 갈비찜 (Galbijjim)BTS’ ChoiceARMY’s Choice

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Contemporary K-Cinema and K-Dramas
The Korean Wave, or Hallyu, which began in neighboring Asian countries in 1997, has expanded to become a global phenomenon in the 2020s. Korean cultural content, as witnessed through BTS (K-pop), Parasite (K-cinema), and Squid Game (K-drama), has come to dominate mainstream culture on the global stage. This is especially true with Korean dramas, which played a pioneering role in the birth of the Korean Wave, as well as in generating interest in Korean society and culture. In recent years, thanks to global OTT platforms like Netflix, Korean dramas have been distributed to every corner of the planet and have attracted a wide range of audiences across racial, national, gender, and age divides.This book selected thirteen K-dramas for television and K-cinema films that have either become global hits thanks to the Korean Wave or are worthy of further exploration, and provides a wide-ranging look at the meanings and contexts of these works, as well as the reasons for their success and how they can be interpreted from different angles. In addition, this book examines the realities and specificities of Korean society and how those specificities are not just limited to Korea, but have become universal so that they now resonate with people around the world.The works covered in this book were all released between the second half of 2021 and the second half of 2022: Squid Game, Hellbound, The Silent Sea, D.P., All of Us Are Dead, Juvenile Justice, Pachinko, and Extraordinary Attorney Woo (dramas) and Broker, The Outlaws series, Alienoid, Seoul Vibe, and 20th Century Girl (movies). We sincerely hope this book will help readers better understand each of these works and develop an interest in and passion for K-cinema and K-dramas. About the Author Ahn Soong Beum is a professor of Korean Language and Literature at Kyung Hee University, director of the K-culture · Story Contents Research Institute, film critic, and poet. He hosted EBS “Cinema Heaven” and served as a jury member of the Busan International Film Festival. He is the author of The Night of Disillusionment and the Dawn of Man.

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Easy & Fun Korean Recipes + Free QR link to YouTube Videos
Easy and Fun Korean Recipes is a textbook that teaches Korean through cooking, created when the author considered how to make Korean learning more entertaining. It specially includes YouTube videos of the author personally cooking, to which readers can refer along with the textbook in order to make it easier to try cooking the 40 Korean dishes within. Dishes and snacks frequently eaten by Korean people are organized by 6 different ingredients (kimchi, rice, eggs/tofu, meat, seafood, etc.), and while learning how to cook Korean food, readers can also learn vocabulary related to simple ingredients and expressions, and even practice conversation. In addition, not only can readers instantly connect and refer to videos of each recipe via QR code, they can even hear each cooking terms and conversation sentences recorded by professional voice actors, provided via QR code as well. Download Audiofiles here Visit author's recipes on YouTubeIncludes 40 easy and fun recipes for Korean dishes that anyone can follow along withA textbook with 40 carefully selected Korean dishes organized by 6 main ingredients so that even foreigners can easily follow along and choose a dish to try cooking for themselves.Introduction of ingredients and the cooking process are provided together in Korean and English for easier understanding.Check the author’s cooking videos on YouTube via QR code for quick and easy understandingEach recipe includes a QR code so readers can instantly connect and refer to the author’s cooking videos on YouTube to understand the cooking process at a glance and follow along.Using videos that include step-by-step explanations of everything from the ingredients to the cooking process, readers can try cooking Korean dishes without difficulty.A Korean textbook you can use to study Korean cooking alongside Korean vocabulary and expressionsEach recipe includes relevant vocabulary for ingredients and cooking expressions, with simple explanations and example sentences, and readers can even learn Korean grammar.All vocabulary words and example sentences can be checked instantly by connecting via QR code to recordings from professional voice actors.   Contents 김치볶음밥 Kimchi-bokkeumbap 김치전 Kimchijeon 김치찜 Kimchijjim 배추김치 Baechukimchi 2. 쌀 Rice떡꼬치 Tteok-kkochi 떡볶이 Tteokbokki 궁중떡볶이 Gungjungtteokbokki 비빔밥 Bibimbap 김밥 Gimbap 3. 달걀 · 두부 Eggs · Tofu달걀말이 Dalgyalmari 계란찜 Gyeranjjim 두부부침 Dububuchim 두부김치 Dubukimchi 순두부찌개 Sundubujjigae 4. 고기 Meat불고기 Bulgogi 갈비탕 Galbitang 갈비구이 Galbigui 갈비찜 Galbijjim 장조림 Jangjorim 소고기뭇국 Sogogi-mutguk 고추장불고기 Gochujangbulgogi 동그랑땡 Donggeurangttaeng 삼계탕 Samgyetang찜닭 Jjimdak 닭갈비 Dakgalbi 5. 해산물 Seafood해물파전 Haemulpajeon 미역국 Miyeokguk 새우전 Saeujeon 어묵탕 Eomuktang 오징어볶음 Ojingeo-bokkeum 6. 기타 Other된장찌개 Doenjangjjigae 부대찌개 Budaejjigae 잡채 Japchae 김말이 Gimmari 호떡 Hotteok 감자전 Gamjajeon 호박죽 Hobakjuk 핫도그 Hot dog 짜파구리 Jjapaguri AppendixExplantions in Korean Index

€29.90* €32.90* (9.12% saved)
Von K-Pop bis K-Drama, von "Parasite" bis "Squid Game": Die koreanische Popkultur ist allgegenwärtig und K-Universe verrät uns, welche Trends uns in Zukunft erwartenKein Land hat in den letzten Jahren die Populärkultur geprägt wie Südkorea. Mit immer neuen Trends und noch mehr Kreativität verzaubert K-Pop die Welt.K-Universe zeigt in über 70 Themenbereichen, mit beeindruckenden Fotos und vielen Hintergrundinformationen, was die koreanische Kultur ausmacht, welche Trends in diesen Tagen die Menschen aktuell begeistern – und welche Kulturphänomene der »koreanischen Welle« bald auch zu uns rüberschwappen werden.Vor Ort unterwegs mit zwei Koreaexperten probieren wir K-Food, verlieren uns im K-Entertainment, singen zu K-Pop und leben den K-Lifestyle. Immer mit dem Ziel vor Augen, am Ende die komplette Vielfalt des K-Universe kennenzulernen.Trends made in Korea     K-Pop mit Superstars von BTS bis Blackpink     K-Food wie Kimchi, Dalgona Coffee oder K-BBQ     K-Entertainment mit »Squid Game«, »Parasite« und der Bang-Kultur     K-Lifestyle mit koreanischen Mode- und Kosmetiktrends, Internet-Phänomenen wie Mukbang, Robotern und Smart Cities Inhalt: K-Food Kimchi Desserts Essen gehen Ramyeon Reis Cafés Regionale Küche Streetfood Sul K-Trends K-Fashion Persönlichkeitstests Tattoos K-Beauty Schönheitschirurgie Fotos Roboter Outdoor Hanbok Kaerikteo Cha-bak K-Entertainment Squid Game K-Drama Filme Jung Hae-in Fernsehen Aeni Sport Vergrügungsparks E-Sports Bang-Kultur K-Web Apps Naver Webtoons Blogs Games Internet Mukbang Nordkorea K-City Seoul Metropolen Szeneviertel Jihaecheol Treffpunkte Clubbing Smart City Street Art Shopping Love Motels K-Pop BTS Blackpink K-Indie Trot Hallyu Dance Virtuelle Influencer K-Tigers Design & Kunst K-Pop zum Anfassen K-Life Arbeiten Services Ausbildung Feiertage Aegyo Aberglaube Supermärkte Sicherheit Wehrpflicht Wohnen Sprache Dating   Über die AutorInnen: Dennis Kubeks Vorliebe für den asiatischen Kontinent liegt in seiner Kindheit begründet: Seine Helden waren die Akteure von unzähligen ostasiatischen Filmen. Während seines Mediendesign-Studiums war das Fernweh schließlich auf ein so unerträgliches Maß angewachsen, dass er sich endlich selbst in Kung-Fu-Pose zwischen Pagoden und Reisfeldern wiederfand. Wann immer es sich seitdem einrichten lässt, taucht er in die faszinierenden Kulturen Asiens ein. Bielle Kim ist in Seoul geboren und aufgewachsen. Nach ihrem Innenarchitektur-Studium packte sie das Reisefieber, das sie fortan nicht mehr loslassen sollte. Die Streifzüge der neugierigen Weltenbummlerin führten sie von Asien über Australien nach Nordamerika, um anschließend in Europa eine neue Heimat zu finden. Seit 2011 lebt und arbeitet die Designerin und Marketing-Spezialistin nun in Deutschland.
